Dhakeshwari Temple is located in Old Dhaka, about 1km north

of Lalbag Fort,
up a short alley off Dhakeshwari road. It is the city’s main Hindu temple.
Popular legend connects the name of one king, Ballalsena, as its designer, but
it is not certain that he is identical with the 12th century Sena king of that
name. The style of architecture of the temple cannot be assigned to that
period. Furthermore, sand and lime, the mortar used in the structure, came to
be used in Bengal after Muslim capture. On the other hand, the architectural
and structural features of the temple indicate its builder to be someone who
had very little influence on the culture of Bengal. Many of the features,
suggest similarity to Arakanese religion and religious practices. The existence
of twin deities suggests the similarity with Tantric Buddhism of the Maghs. it
is assumed that the deity belonged to the Maghs and the architectural features
indicate its affinity to Arakanese structures. From all these it has been
suggested that the builder of this temple was one Mangat Ray, who was also
known as Ballalasena, younger brother of Arakanese king Shrisudharma, son of
famous Arakanese king Raja Malhana alias Husen Shah. Mangat was obliged to take
shelter in Dhaka having been driven away from Arakan. Thus it appears that the source
of the Dhakeshwari temple is covered in mystery. In the beginning of the 20th
century Bradley Birt wrote that the temple is more than 200 years old and a
Hindu agent of the east India company built it. Since ages, the temple has been
held in great importance. The original 800-year old statue was destroyed during
the 1971 War of Independence by the invading Pakistani army. The temple complex
has undergone repairs, renovation and rebuilding in its long years of existence
and its present condition does not clearly show any of its original
architectural characteristics. There are four small temples of same size and
shape on the northeastern corner of the tank, which stand one after another
from east to west. Each of them is built on a high plinth and approached by a
flight of steps, and has a Shiva linga inside. To the north of the nat-mandir
stands the main temple facing south. It is a three-roomed structure with a
veranda in front having beautiful wooden doors with curving of different
motifs, both sculptural and floral. The temple is open every day, and people
from all religion can enter inside.